Who we are


Welcome to La Joieria,

A space where we enhance and recognize personal care, energies and listening to the body.

Behind the Joieria is Rubén Pérez, sound therapist at Arden Wilken’s Inner Sound Therapy school.

To understand sound, as initiates, it is not necessary to have musical training but the fact of having musical knowledge, from a very young age, was definitive to understand conceptually the theory, application and awaken my personal interest and perception towards the world of waves.

I use voice and tuning forks as working tool for a total balance, where in addition to mental and bodily work, we can consider the spiritual as the third support of our integrity.

Prior to my training as a sound therapist I did training in Shiatsu at the Prana Centre in Barcelona where I also acquired knowledge in Chinese medicine.

I am currently merging the knowledge of the two disciplines and working with my own method.


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What we do

Jewels are ornamental elements that we use in thebody. We are accustomed to identifying jewellery by the value of its materials and quality.

In La Joieria we want to take a tour of the reality we know. We are convinced, and we want to share and co-create it with you, that we do not need ornaments but to become the jewels ourselves.

The best jewel is ourselves.

In La Joieria we offer solutions that can help you to shine, to be magnetic and magnetic, to make it easier for you to perceive the infinite possibilities that life offers us and that sometimes we don’t see. And to do so we started with a proposal for sound therapy with voice and forks, sessions of Access Bars , a range of natural, vegan and fresh personal care products and the quantum accessories.

Sound therapy

We are acoustic. We are vibration.

Each of our vital organs has a different sound andvibration. Every atom in our body is constantly vibrating and therefore has a pulse. The pulse creates waves that our senses perceive. Everything we find in the universe has a pulse, wave and shape and therefore has a sound. This is the basis of our proposal.

If we don’t resonate with some part of ourselves we become dissonant. This involves vibrating without harmony and results in poor health, blockages, etc.

Through voice and tuning forks, we project the right frequency on any part of our body and ensure anormal frequency that is reflected in our body and our behavior.

With sound well used all feelings return to their purity.

Do you want to try it?



Tailor-made meditation classes and workshops

Meditations using sound therapy

We create tailor-made meditation workshops and we do it incorporating the vibrations of the specific frequencies according to the theme to be worked on.

This option is open for groups of any age and for private, public entities, companies, sports teams, etc.

Explore the possibility of meditations to create group cohesion, to motivate, to encourage concentration or creativity, to reduce stress..

Share with us any idea you have and we will land it to offer you a product that will not leave you indifferent and that, possibly, will create addiction.


Contact us via email: info@lajoieria. cat

Access Bars sessions

Create space in your brain

Access bars are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, release, effortlessly and easily, the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that keep you from creating a life you love.


A more peaceful mind | Increased relaxation | A better attitude to life | Stress relief | A space to replenish your body | Increased energy and creativity


What is it like to receive a session of Access Bars?

Access bars may feel like pressing the erase button on the hard drive that is crammed with information on your computer; Only this time, what’s created is space in your brain. Things like negative thought patterns, or that inexhaustible mental talk that keeps you awake at night, can break free and make room for the calm you’ve been looking for.


Quantum accessory

Balances and protects your body

Quantum health and medicine is a way of understanding and approaching human health from a holistic perspective, integrating the physical, mental, emotional and energetic aspects of being.

It is based on the principles of quantum physics, which studies the behaviour of subatomic particles and their interaction with the environment. According to this science, reality is not something fixed and immutable, but depends on the observation and consciousness of the observer.

Quantum medicine applies these concepts to the field of health, considering that the human body is a complex and dynamic system, composed of atoms and molecules that vibrate at different frequencies.

These vibrations generate electromagnetic fields that influence the functioning of cells, organs and systems. Thus, health is understood as a state of balance and harmony between the different frequencies of the body, while disease is caused by an alteration or misalignment of the same.

Solving it is as simple as arranging a quantum accessory that accompanies you the more hours, the better.


If you want more information contact us via email:

Natural Jewels

We like to listen to you, we like to take care of you, we like that you smile.

Is it easy to find natural products? Yes, but the vast majority contain between 20% and 30% of active substances.

At La Joieria we like to discover and promote natural products (for us natural jewels). . and when we say natural we mean products with 100% active substances.

These small natural jewels, with which we begin, are vegan and fresh. Fresh means they have an expiration date. Therefore, they do not contain synthetic preservatives and are produced practically on demand.

In La Joieria we bring you the products so that you know them and we recommend those that can make you smile. And we do it thinking, above all, of your well-being and. . . without compromise.

In addition, if you like the products, you have the opportunity to be part of the team at La Joieria, earning an extraordinary income.


Welcome to my website
Know and test products


We will soon include new services !!

Where we are


Carrer Villarroel, 212, 1er. 2a.

08036 Barcelona


Phone 93 595 64 88

Are you a professional in the sector and would you like to colaborate with LA JOIERIA?

Are you a private individual and want to enjoy sound therapy session?

Do you want us to give you a presentation or workshop with the products we recommend?

Do you want to be part of the team of people recommending LA JOIERIA?